This week’s main challenge is to remind myself to sit back into the work. It’s a classic
actor mistake at this stage to feel the need to show the work by pushing our choices
too hard. But as we build familiarity, I will begin to trust these choices more, which in
time will allow me to sit within them rather than feel the need to demonstrate.
Tech week is about giving space for the rest of the creative team to shine now that
we are finally on the set. It’s a slog – long, long days, but there is freedom in the
pressure being taken off the acting. A chance to play with new ideas, building the
relationships in the ensemble – whilst also remembering which damn plank or bucket
to put where and when.
Pressure mounts as the week progresses and the first preview is a wild ride I can
barely remember. But the work doesn’t stop there. Back into rehearsal to hone,
simplify and familiarise before the next show.
Onwards – and hopefully upwards.